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Foreclosure Sign
How Do Foreclosures Affect Appraisals?

One of the most important parts of any real estate transactions is by far the appraisal process Here, a trained professional will gather as much information about a home as possible – along...

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Woman Going Over Paperwork With Client
What Is a Bridge Loan and How Does It Work?

If you had to make a list of some of the things that cause people stress when it comes to real estate, uncertainty would almost always be right at the top You’ve found an incredible new home...

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House with For Sale Sign in Front Yard
Zillow Estimates vs. Appraisals: Why Zillow Shouldn’t Be Used for Appraisals

One of the great things about modern technology is that we’ve never had more information at our fingertips The issue, however, is that not all of this information is necessarily accurate Case...

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Tiny Home Held in Hand
What Is an Appraisal Contingency and Why Does It Matter?

A home is more than just another purchase – it’s an investment in the truest sense of the term As is true with all investments, it needs to be protected This is why appraisals are so...

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Brightly Lit House in Dark Woods
What Is Appraisal Creep When It Comes To Real Estate?

When it comes to buying or selling a home, one of the most important parts of the process is also the one that most people don’t spend too much time thinking about: the appraisal An appraisal...

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Person Typing on Laptop
Desktop Appraisals: Everything You Need to Know

One of the most important parts of the home buying process has to do with the appraisal – something that is true for a wide range of different reasons, all of which are worth exploring For...

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Couple Talking to an Appraiser
Is an Appraisal Required for a Home Equity Loan?

In the world of real estate, equity is commonly defined as the portion of an owner’s home that they have officially paid off In other words, it’s the current difference between A) what...

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Overhead Map of Possible Residential Area
How to Make Google Maps Show Property Lines

One of the most critical things for new homeowners in particular to understand is where their property begins and ends Property lines show you the exact boundaries of your property, which can be...

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Large Blue House with Gated Entrance
What Is A Drive-By Appraisal?

During a traditional home appraisal, a trained, certified professional will enter a house and conduct a thorough examination of both the interior and exterior They’ll use everything they learn...

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Phone Taking Pictures of House's Interior
Comp Photos: Can We Stop Taking Them?

The appraisal process is one of the most important elements of the real estate industry – and unfortunately for the appraisers themselves, it’s also one of the most time consuming In a...

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Large House with Shrubs and Car Parked in Driveway
Desktop and Drive-By Appraisals: Helpful Or Harmful?

One of the most critical aspects of buying or selling a home ultimately comes down to the appraisal that is performed just before a transaction is finalized Sometimes people order their own...

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Person holding a tiny home with a checkmark in front of a house
What Does an Appraisal Management Company (AMC) Do?

An Appraisal Management Company is more than just an appraiser Instead, it is an independent entity that works with lenders and others who need valuation services They go through the administrative...

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